Studying the socio-emotional skills of students and educators is essential to provide their full development. Therefore, eduLab21’s work on the topic aims to:
- Derive, from the use of assessments, feedback reports with interpretative support for each target audience;
- Study and develop parameters for interpreting results, such as identifying socio-emotional skills associated with various life outcomes;
- Collaborate with the development of materials that support the socio-emotional development strategy in the school environment;
- Enable a broader view of the teacher, their socio-emotional skills and teaching practices, strengthening their role as active and effective participants in the development of skills.
- Senna for adults;
- Senna kids;
- Socio-emotional rubrics;
- Teacher socio-emotional skills;
- Senna.
Identificação de Fatores de Risco para Evasão Escolar em Ensino Fundamental e Médio
Relatório SSES – Competências socioemocionais para uma vida melhor
Technology and Measurement Challenges in Education and the Labor Market in South America
Competências Socioemocionais e Emocionais da Criança dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental
Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Social-Emotional Skills of Teachers: Mapping the Content Space and Defining Taxonomy Requirements
Socioemotional trajectories during the pandemic: First findings from the Sobral Longitudinal Study
Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Instrumento Senna para Avaliação Socioemocional: Manual Técnico
Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Trajetórias socioemocionais durante a pandemia: Achados preliminares do Estudo longitudinal em Sobral
Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Avaliação das competências socioemocionais
Editorial: Theory and empirical practice in research on social and emotional skills
O modelo dos cinco grandes fatores e as capacidades pessoais socioemocionais
Mapeamento Socioemocional SP 2021 – Saúde Mental
Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Competências socioemocionais e vidas ativas
Instituto Ayrton Senna.
A teacher like me? Different approaches to examining personality similarity between teachers and students. European Journal of Personality.
Pancorbo, G., Decuyper, M., Kim, L. E., Laros, J. A., Abrahams, L., & Fruyt, F. D. (2021).
Person-situation dynamics in educational contexts : a self- and other-rated experience sampling study of teachers’ states, traits, and situations.
Abrahams, L., Rauthmann, J. F., & De Fruyt, F. (2021). European Journal of Personality, 35(4), 598–622.
Ludeke, S. G., Gensowski, M., Junge, S. Y., Kirkpatrick, R. M., John, O. P., & Andersen, S. C. (2021). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(4), 1074–1090.
Formative Assessment of Social-Emotional Skills Using Rubrics: A Review of Knowns and Unknowns. Frontiers in Psyshology.
Pancorbo, G., Primi, R., John, O.P., Santos, D., & De Fruyt, F. (2021)
SENNA Inventory for the Assessment of Social and Emotional Skills in Public School Students in Brazil: Measuring Both Identity and Self-Efficacy. Frontiers in Psyshology.
Primi, R., Santos, D., John, O. P., & De Fruyt, F. (2021).
SENNA Inventory for the Assessment of Social and Emotional Skills: Technical Manual.
Primi, R; Santos, D. ; John, O. P. ; Fruyt, F. (2021).1. ed. São Paulo: Instityto Ayrton Senna, 2021. v. 1. 86p .
Competências socioemocionais.
Carla Crispim, A., Sanches, C., Alves, G., Cristine Teixeira, K., Ferrari, S., Bertin Brandão, T., Carolina Zuanazzi, A., Possenti Sette, C., Stolar, L., A. A. Neto, L., Travitzki, R., Martinez, V. (2021). Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Danner, D., Lechner, C. M., Soto, C. J., & John, O. P. (2021). European Journal of Personality, 35, 67-84.
Editorial: Bridging the gap between research and policy in fostering social and emotional skills.
Suarez-Alvarez, J., Fernandez-Alonso, R., Kyllonen, P. C., De Fruyt, F., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., & Muniz, J. (2020). Frontiers in Psychology.
Development and psychometric properties of rubrics for assessing social-emotional skills in youth.
Pancorbo, G., Primi, R., John, O. P., Santos, D., Abrahams, L., & De Fruyt, F. (2020). STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION, 67.
First look at the five-factor model personality facet associations with sensory processing sensitivity.
Bröhl, A. S., Van Leeuwen, K., Pluess, M., De Fruyt, F., Bastin, M., Weyn, S., Goossens, L., & Bijttebier, P. (2020). Current Psychol.
People with a disagreeable personality (selfish, combative, and manipulative) do not have an advantage in pursuing power at work.
Anderson, C., Sharps, D.L., Soto, C.J., & John, O.P. (2020). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (37) 22780-22786.
A stable relationship between personality and academic performance from childhood through adolescence. An original study and replication in hundred‐thousand‐person samples.
Andersen, S. C., Gensowski, M., Ludeke, S. G., & John, O. P. (2020). Journal of Personality.
Competências socioemocionais de educadores.
Carla Crispim, A., Sanches, C., Alves, G., Cristine Teixeira, K., Ferrari, S., Bertin Brandão, T. (2020). Instituto Ayrton Senna.
Optimizing the length, width, and balance of a personality scale: How do internal characteristics affect external validity?
Soto, C. J., & John, O. P. (2019). Psychological Assessment.
Comparison of classical and modern methods for measuring and correcting for acquiescence.
Primi, R., Santos, D., De Fruyt, F., & John, O. P. (2019). British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 72(3), 447–465.
True or false? Keying direction and acquiescence influence the validity of social-emotional skill items in predicting high school achievement in Brazil.
Primi, R., De Fruyt, F., Santos, D., Antonoplis, S., & John, O. P. (2019). T International Journal of Testing.
Classical perspectives of controlling acquiescence with balanced scales.
Primi, R., Filho, N., Valentini, F. & Santos, D. (2019). Special Issue: Advances in Modeling Response Styles and Related Phenomena, 72(3), 112-126.
Social-emotional skill assessment in children and adolescents: Advances and challenges in personality, clinical, and educational contexts.
Abrahams, L., Pancorbo, G., Primi, R., Santos, D., Kyllonen, P., John, O. P., & De Fruyt, F. (2019). Psychological Assessment, 31(4), 460–473.
Habilidade socioemocionais em adolescentes: desenvolvimento da personalidade e processos de resposta do Senna V.2.0.
Nascimento M. F., & Primi R. P. (2019). Dissertação de mestrado, 128p, Universidade São Francisco, Campinas.
Avaliação dos perfis socioemocionais e sua relação com o desempenho acadêmico nos ensinos fundamental e médio.
Hamburg S., & Primi R. (2019). Dissertação de mestrado, 96p, Universidade São Francisco, Campinas.
Acquiescence and Person Differential Functioning: Solving Person DIF with Balanced Scales
Dealing with person differential item functioning in social-emotional skill assessment using anchoring vignettes.
Primi, R., Santos, D., John, O. P., De Fruyt, F., Hauck-Filho, N. (2018). In M., Wiberg,S., Culpepper,R., Janssen,J., González,D. Molenaar, (Eds.), Quantitative psychology (Vol. 233, pp. 275-286). Springer, Cham.
Habilidades Socioemocionais e Aprendizado Escolar: evidências a partir de um estudo em larga escala.
Santos, D., Berlingeri, M. Castilho, R. (2017).
Anchoring vignettes: can they make adolescent self-report of social and emotional skills more reliable, discriminant, and criterion-valid?
Primi R., Zanon C., Santos D., De Fruyt F., & John O. (2016). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 32(1), 39–51.
Development of an inventory assessing social and emotional skills in Brazilian youth.
Primi R., Santos D., De Fruyt F., & John O. (2016). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 32(1), 5–16.
Estudo especial sobre alfabetismo e competências socioemocionais na população adulta brasileira.
John O., Primi R., De Fruyt., & Santos D. (2016). . Book chapter, INAF Report.
Employability in the 21st Century: Complex (Interactive) Problem Solving and Other Essential Skills
Educação em Quatro Dimensões: As competências que os estudantes devem ter para atingir o sucesso.
Fadel C., Bialik M. & Trilling B. (2015).
Desenvolvimento socioemocional e aprendizado escolar: uma proposta de mensuração para apoiar políticas públicas.
Primi R. & Santos D. (2014).