Have you ever thought about how many lives your company can change by joining forces with the Ayrton Senna Institute?Brazil was the country that had schools closed for the longest time during the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in a setback of at least a decade in learning. The real social, political and economic costs of this serious lag are still unknown.
In this context, the cause-related marketing (also called cause marketing, which is related to the sale of social products) appears as an important tool to promote and generate funds for a social cause, such as education, through the union of the private sector with non-governmental organizations.

Thus, brands can associate a product with our cause, meaning that part or all of the funds raised from the sale of that item is allocated to our educational projects. A simple and meaningful way to generate value among the different audiences with which the brand interacts and also to contribute to society as a whole.


Cartão Instituto Ayrton Senna Itaú
With each purchase made, part of the price paid is allocated to the cause of education without you having to pay more for it. Card customers also have a 15% discount on products at the Ayrton Senna Shop. 

McHappy Day (McDia Feliz)
Held annually since 1988 by Arcos Dourados, McHappy Day is one of the largest mobilizations in favor of children and adolescents in Brazil. By purchasing advance tickets from the Ayrton Senna Institute, organizations become protagonists in the cause of education.

With each sale of laptops from the Yoga, Ideapad or Legion lines, Lenovo makes a contribution to our educational projects. The partnership has existed since 2019 and applies to purchases made in physical stores and online. 

Visa Causas
When making any payment with Visa cards, without having to spend any more money to do so, an amount is raised for the Ayrton Senna Institute. The action is valid for all transactions made with cards issued in Brazil and previously enrolled in the program.

When you buy one of the Melitta coffee filters, part of the price paid is allocated to the Ayrton Senna Institute initiatives. The action has existed since 2016 and offers thousands of children and young people the opportunity to fully develop their potential through quality public education.

Since 2011, part of the revenue from sales of Regispel paper rolls has been donated to the Ayrton Senna Institute. Furthermore, to help raise awareness about the cause, the Institute’s logo is engraved on the back of customized coupons.

Combining two brands in the education sector, the university publisher allocates part of the sales revenue of Game Changer, an English language teaching material, to the Ayrton Senna Institute. The partnership exists since 2021 to directly contribute to quality education!

Sunset Tires
In 2021, Sunset Tires entered into a partnership with the Ayrton Senna Institute, allocating to the Institute a part of the sales revenue of the X-BRI tire brand in Latin America, Africa and Asia. The partnership is the first Cause Marketing campaign with B2B companies.

SOS Educação
The book “Guia Para Família Parceira da Escola no Pós-pandemia” (Guide for Families to Partner with Schools the Post-Pandemic World) by Tais and Roberta Bento, founders of SOS Educação, brings suggestions for small adjustments to the family routine that have a high impact on children’s involvement and motivation for social life at school and for studies. Part of the sales revenue is allocated to our educational projects across the country.

Cause Marketing Forum
To shed light on and promote cause-related marketing in Brazil, we have held the Cause-Related Marketing Forum since 2018, in partnership with Ipsos Brasil, Cause and the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM). To learn more about it, visit the website.

In a survey conducted by EY Parthenon in 2020, 70% of the consumers interviewed stated, for example, that they would start to pay more attention to the social impacts caused by the products and brands they consume.

Therefore, linking brands and social products to the cause of education addresses different demands, such as, for example, attention to consumers’ desire for more conscious consumption habits, prioritization of the ESG agenda and creation of value and better reputation with a range of stakeholders.


Is education your cause? Then fill out the form below. We will contact you to find out, together, how to make this partnership happen. Your support can help us transform more lives.
