Research on Motivation

Investigation of models focused on motivation to learn, its relationship with socio-emotional skills and academic performance.

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Agenda Ico 6 Sep 2024
Instituto Ayrton Senna Instituto Ayrton Senna

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The motivation to learn is an important factor for student engagement in school. The studies and scientific productions of eduLab21 on this topic aim to:

  •  Identify scientific evidence on the process of motivation for learning;
  • Study the CAMML model, developed by psychologist and PhD Kevin McGrew, investigating how empirical evidence supports each element and their integration;
  • Review the literature regarding the concept of Motivation and its relationship with school context variables (dropout rates, school climate, etc.);
  • Deepen the investigation of how intrinsic or extrinsic motivational orientation of students in the school context are related to academic performance;
  • Examine possible effects of sociodemographic variables such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status on the correlations between motivation and school performance.


Assessment of motivational orientations, beliefs, interests, self-regulated learning, among others.

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Pesquisas e Estudos

Research published by the researchers selected a call for proposals from Rede CpE and Instituto Ayrton Senna:

Chiappetta-Santana, L. H. B., Jesuino, A. D. S. A., & Lima-Costa, A. R. (2022). Learning Motivation, Socioemotional Skills and School Achievement in Elementary School Students. Paidéia, 32.

Boruchovitch, E., Bzuneck, J.A., Góes, N.M., Rufini, S.E., Pellisson, S., & Franciscão, D.S. (2023). Crenças e concepções de professores sobre variáveis motivacionais e autorregulatórias: o impacto de um curso no contexto da. Revista Práxis, 15(29).



Motivação para Aprender: As Atuais Contribuições da Ciência
Instituto Ayrton Senna


Modelo de Motivação para Aprender (MACM) e Modelo de Aprendizagem Cognitiva Afetiva Motivacional
(CAMML) Dr. Kevin S. McGrew

Instituto Ayrton Senna
Instituto Ayrton Senna Organização sem fins lucrativos comprometida com a educação