
Research on Creativity and Critical Thinking

Focus on understanding, monitoring and developing fundamental hybrid skills to prepare citizens for the 21st century.

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Agenda Ico 6 Sep 2024
Instituto Ayrton Senna Instituto Ayrton Senna

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Creativity and critical thinking are fundamental skills for students to develop and thrive in the 21st century. The objectives of eduLab21 on this topic are:

  • To develop an assessment for creativity and critical thinking for formative purposes in the classroom;
  • To ensure that the assessments we work on incorporate advanced measurement approaches and provides greater reliability, utility, and robustness;
  • To derive feedback reports from the use of the assessments with specific interactive support according to the target audience;
  • To create sets of pedagogical activities that, when used with the rubrics, promote the development of these skills in school;
  • To publicize the book “21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Creativity – Review of Evidence and Recommendations”;
  • To identify and collect a set of best practices from teachers;
  • To make available the report “Fostering Students’ Creativity and Critical Thinking” by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which describes the experience of 11 countries in developing and assessing creativity and critical thinking, including Brazil.


  • Rubrics for assessing creativity;
  • Rubrics for assessing critical thinking;
  • Assessments of skills relevant to the expression of creativity and critical thinking.

Research and Studies


Educação no século XXI: Inteligência, pensamento crítico e criatividade
Produzida pelo Instituto Ayrton Senna, Ricardo Primi, Tatiana de Cassia Nakano, Kavin McGrew e Joel Schneider.


Desenvolvimento da Criatividade e do Pensamento Crítico dos Estudantes – o que significa na escola
Produzida pela OCDE e traduzida para o português.

Instituto Ayrton Senna
Instituto Ayrton Senna Organização sem fins lucrativos comprometida com a educação