Ghent University’s Chair

University of Belgium is a partner of the Ayrton Senna Institute in scientific research on socio-emotional skills.

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Agenda Ico 6 Sep 2024
Instituto Ayrton Senna Instituto Ayrton Senna

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The eduLab21 Chair at Ghent University in Belgium was launched in March 2016 and is led by Prof. Filip De Fruyt, PhD. The partnership focuses on conducting conceptual and applied research on the assessment and development of socio-emotional skills, understanding their impact on daily actions and behaviors.

The evidence supports the construction and improvement of self-report measures, as well as pathways for using the results of these assessments in intentional development strategies.


The desire to expand the frontiers of scientific production in education led eduLab21 to create a partnership with Ghent University to broaden the scope and production of research linked to socio-emotional development, its psychometric characteristics, and its monitoring methods. The Chair is part of the Personality and Individual Differences research unit at the Belgian institution, formally hosted in the Department of Development, Personality, and Social Psychology at Ghent University.

The Chairholder, Prof. Filip De Fruyt, PhD, is a professor of Differential Psychology and Personality Assessment at Ghent, and he is a global reference in building psychometric models related to individual characteristics and their relationship with behavior. He is also a co-author of over 200 scientific publications, cited in thousands of works and research studies.

Alongside other researchers in the Chair, he collaborates with eduLab21 on projects aimed at the full development of students and teachers, including assessment and the preparation of reports targeting various audiences. They also seek to expand their research through collaborations involving national and international funding agencies.


The eduLab21 Chair at Ghent University in Belgium was launched in March 2016 and is led by Prof. Filip De Fruyt, PhD. The partnership focuses on conducting conceptual and applied research on the assessment and development of socio-emotional skills, understanding their impact on daily actions and behaviors.

The evidence supports the construction and improvement of self-assessment instruments, as well as pathways for using the results of these assessments in intentional development strategies.


Instituto Ayrton Senna
Instituto Ayrton Senna Organização sem fins lucrativos comprometida com a educação